Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Heading to the Airport

We are on the cusp of everything we've talked about for 3 years! It is hard to actually believe that this is happening today. The last two days were the hard parts. We said goodbye to our families. I was reminded of the verse that says count the cost. When you sign up for something like this you don't think about the hard parts. You think about the adventure and fun parts. You think about the neat things God will do with you. We've counted the cost the last few days and I can still say, IT IS WORTH IT. People reunited with their Creator is worth it. Just as our families will miss us, our Heavenly Father misses His creation when they are separated by their sins. He is using us to help reunite His children to Himself.

Yesterday as we said goodbye to my parents I had to ask myself why we were doing this. We're doing this because we are obedient to His calling. I think God places a call upon the lives of those in ministry but you have to be further committed to His calling than just because you felt like its what He wanted. You have to do it because you are choosing obedience. When the warm fuzzy feeling disappears (and it does at some points), you need to know you aren't doing it just because it's fun or an adventure but because you are choosing to be obedient to Him. Today, we choose obedience.

This is a reminder for all of us. Everyone isn't called across the ocean, but He calls us each to be used by Him in some way to expand the Gospel. Are we ready to respond in obedience even when it is hard? Have we counted the cost?

