Monday, June 23, 2014

Missional Relationships

Tonight I read this line from an article entitled "The Top 10 Things Pharisees Say Today" by Carey Nieuwhof.
One of the reasons many church aren't growing is because Christians don't know any non-Christians.
This is an unsettling truth that has been unveild to me in the last few years and something that was driven home to me by a pastor I spoke with recently.
Its true.  How can we expect to grow the church when we, the hands and feet of Christ, don't develop relationships with those who don't know Him? How can the ups and downs in our lives be a living testimony to the world if we don't allow the unsaved close enough in so they can see His working in our lives through these situations?
Its an uncomfortable truth to swallow and one that I myself am just as guilty of.  When I was younger and in high school many times I surrounded myself with like minded believers and when I did encouter those with contrary beliefs I would debate them factualy about the Bible instead of displaying Christ's love that tranforms lives.  Christ's love changes lives, not facts.
Becoming a missionary in a 1st world country, relationships, friendships with those who haven't accepted Christ as their savior will be our primary avenue towards leading the lost to Him and building local churches.  This is why I consider this one of the most important spiritual goals in my life right now.  There won't be a mass amount of physical needs that we can meet to draw people in to share the Gospel with.  Our relationships will be the driving force.
My challenge to myself and to you is to consider your relationshipes with those who aren't saved.  Consider the examples in the Bible of Jesus loving those who showed a life of outright sin such as the adulterous woman who was about to be stoned.  Allow God to use our friendships with those who don't know Him to be an avenue that reflects His work in our lives through the ups and the downs.  When we allow our relationships with the unsaved to be used by God, He may in turn use those fragements our lives we've shared to impact hearts for Him.